Abstract Expressionism by Estelle Asmodelle

Hypnagogic Abstraction

In the many discussions of the Hypnagogic Abstraction which have taken place comparatively little attention has been given to hypnagogic phenomena, although they would seem to throw much light on the problems of the dream. Whereas the Hypnagogic Abstraction occurs in the sleeping state and is isolated from the waking stream of thought, these phenomena, although of the same nature as the dream, are intimately linked up and often blended with the so-called conscious or waking thoughts of the moment, and are easily accessible for introspection.

Symbolic images arise in connection with ideas or states of mind or body-the phenomena such as Hypnagogic Abstraction. Hypnagogic Abstraction states occurring while falling asleep, and of the same nature as the dream of deeper sleep. Hypnagogic Abstraction in connection with objective stimuli. All the phenomena and interpretations were noted immediately after their occurrence and are here given without further alteration or addition. The conditions under which they occurred and were noted are worth recording particularly with regard to the method of interpretation. Whereas the Hypnagogic Abstraction occurs in the sleeping state and is isolated from the waking stream of thought, these phenomena, although of the same nature as the dream, are intimately linked up and often blended with the so-called conscious or waking thoughts of the moment, and are easily accessible for introspection. Whereas the Hypnagogic Abstraction occurs in the sleeping state and is isolated from the waking stream of thought, these phenomena, although of the same nature as the dream, are intimately linked up and often blended with the so-called conscious or waking thoughts of the moment, and are easily accessible for introspection.

Hypnagogic abstraction, an avant-garde approach in the world of art, draws inspiration from the transitional state of consciousness that exists between wakefulness and sleep – the hypnagogic state. This form of abstraction utilizes the unique phenomena of visual, auditory, and somatic sensations that occur during this state, offering an intriguing avenue for artistic exploration and expression.

The hypnagogic state is characterized by vivid, dreamlike imagery, spontaneous thoughts, and unusual sensory experiences. As the boundaries between the conscious and unconscious mind blur, artists can tap into a reservoir of abstract ideas, symbols, and emotional states that defy conventional logic and linear thinking. Hypnagogic abstraction, thus, allows artists to depict the ephemeral and enigmatic experiences of this transitory state, resulting in artworks that resonate with a surreal, dreamlike quality.

To understand the use of hypnagogic abstraction in art, it is important to appreciate the distinctive characteristics of the hypnagogic state. As one drifts off to sleep, reality morphs into a dreamscape filled with fluid transitions, irrational juxtapositions, and symbolic imagery. This free-association of images and ideas provides a fertile ground for artistic imagination. Artists seeking to incorporate hypnagogic abstraction into their work often focus on harnessing these fleeting, fluid images, synthesizing them into abstract compositions that evoke the dynamism and unpredictability of the hypnagogic state.

The implementation of hypnagogic abstraction in art requires a balance between conscious control and unconscious flow. Artists often have to cultivate techniques to recall and document their hypnagogic experiences, as these can quickly evaporate upon full wakefulness. This could involve maintaining dream journals or immediately sketching upon waking. Furthermore, artists must develop the ability to translate these personal, intangible experiences into visual forms, a task that demands both creativity and introspection.

The resulting artworks in hypnagogic abstraction can be profoundly unique and evocative. They often defy conventional rules of composition, perspective, and form, echoing the fluid, boundary-less nature of the hypnagogic state. Moreover, they can delve into deeply personal, psychological themes, offering glimpses into the artist’s subconscious mind.

The impact of these artworks on viewers can be equally profound. Just as the hypnagogic state blurs the boundaries between reality and dream, hypnagogic abstraction can blur the lines between artist and viewer, artwork and reality. Viewers are often encouraged to engage with the artwork not just as passive observers, but as active participants in a shared exploration of consciousness, perception, and emotion.

In conclusion, hypnagogic abstraction offers a compelling intersection of art and psychology, probing the fascinating realm of human consciousness. It challenges artists to delve into their subconscious minds and transform fleeting, elusive experiences into tangible, visual forms. This form of abstraction not only broadens the horizons of artistic expression but also offers profound insights into the enigmatic interplay of consciousness, creativity, and perception.

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